Mensaje de Reina Luisa Tamayo, madre de Orlando Zapata Tamayo, ante la persecusión del gobierno de Cuba

Lo que publicamos a continuación es el mensaje de Reina Luisa Tamayo, madre del fallecido huelguista de hambre cubano, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, ante las agresiones y hostigamiento de los que han sido víctima ella y su familia en días recientes, por parte de agentes del gobierno cubano y elementos de los grupos de choque al servicio de la dictadura.

El mensaje fue publicado originalmente en
el 13 de agosto pasado. En su mensaje Reina Luisa responsabilizó al gobierno cubano por lo que pudiera ocurrirle a ella y su familia este domingo, cuando habría de visitar nuevamente la iglesia y la tumba de su hijo, Orlando. Además, Reina Luisa denuncia el silencio de los medios de comunicación sobre esta situación.

Por su importancia, y para no ser partícipes de las conspiraciones del ostracismo y del silencio, publicamos íntegramente el mensaje según le fue comunicado a Alberto de la Cruz y publicado en Babalu Blog:

"Message from Reina Luisa Tamayo, the mother of Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who died in February pursuant to an 85-day hunger strike:

For the past two Sundays the Cuban government has not allowed me or my family and supporters to attend church or to visit the cemetery where my son, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, is buried. The government has sent people to carry out acts of repudiation. They have pushed and shoved us, beaten us. Both my legs have been injured by the physical attacks I have endured. We only want to be able to go to church and to pay our respects at the grave of my son, Orlando Zapata Tamayo. They, however, will not let us.

For five months my house has been surrounded by state security. The government has ordered people to harass and repress us. They have brought weapons with them -- clubs and knives. These people wait until uniformed security agents are watching to push and beat us with the hopes that it will curry favor for them from the government. They hope by doing the bidding of the Castro brothers, the government will overlook how they steal from their workplaces and trade on the black market. The government will not overlook their actions because it a government of assassins!

We have been beaten along with fellow members of the opposition that have stood next to me. My son has been beaten over the head and his back. But we will not give up, we will not kneel to the Castro brothers.

The news media has done nothing to help us. The Catholic Church has done nothing to help us. Cardinal Jaime Ortega has never tried to contact me and has done nothing to stop the beatings we are receiving for only wanting to to go church and visit the grave of my son.

This Sunday, at 8:30 am, I, along with my family and supporters, will once again leave the house and attempt to go to church and visit my son's grave. Whatever happens to any us, I hold the Cuban government responsible!"

Cortesía de Babalu Blog


Myrisa ha dicho que…
Comunicado de Amnistía Internacional: "Amnesty: Cuba harassing dead hunger striker's mom".

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